International Airsoft Practical Shooting
1 Definition
Shooters must hit steel plates using predefined stage and ending with the stop plate. The
discipline aims to promote speed and accuracy and above all safety for both the
competitors and spectators alike, without taking anything away from the fun aspect of the
discipline either.
2 General match information
The same gun, holster and holster position must be used throughout the match. If there is
a mechanical problem, equipment of similar make or model may be used as a
replacement. If said guns or holsters are entered in a Division or Category event, the same
guidelines, conditions or restrictions must apply. If these guidelines cannot be met with the
replacement gun or holster, the Competitor will not be eligible for awards in their Category,
but will still remain eligible for Overall Awards. There is always an overall category.
Should a malfunction or breakage occur, the string of fire will be scored and competitor
given the chance to retire for repairs or replacement of the equipment before resuming the
course of fire. There are no alibi's or reshoots for malfunction or breakage.
Competitors are to go to the line prepared with the appropriate number of magazines and
needed ammunition, to avoid causing unnecessary delays. Missed targets or insufficient
pellet impact on a plate caused by partly loaded magazines, or insufficient gas pressure is
the competitor’s problem.
When a Competitor has finished, the Range Officer will call the next Competitor to the line.
Practice drawing or sighting must be held to a minimum and will not be allowed after the
first string of fire. Thirty (30) seconds will be the standard for making ready for each
additional string of fire. If the Competitor is not prepared in a timely fashion, the Range
Officer will announce, "Make Ready Now". The Competitor then has ten (10) seconds to
make ready and notify the Range Officer upon having done so. If the Competitor has not
notified the Range Officer of their readiness at the 10 second mark, the Range Officer will
begin the verbal Start Commands. If the Competitor does not engage the course of fire
when the audible start signal sounds, they will be given a maximum time for that string of
fire. Please understand that we need to establish a balance between the competitor’s need
to ready themselves and the amount of time available. Your cooperation will be
appreciated by the Match Staff and the other competitors.
Eye protection for all shooters and spectators are required. Individuals observed without
eye wear will be required to leave the shooting area.
All final decisions will be made by the Range Master
Link Contoh Steel Challenge dan Peraturan Rules Steel Challenge
Sorry ya Bahasanya masih original mau rubah entar malah ada yg Salah :)